Day 5 – Los Cruces, NM

We have been back and forth between Texas and New Mexico all day. That also means we’ve gone back and forth between central standard time and mountain time. For most of the evening, we had no clue what time and was and neither did my car or our phones.

The views leading to Carlsbad Caverns were nothing short of breathtaking. Literally. I couldn’t breathe for a bit because my ears were popping and I got anxious.

The cavern was HUGE! We were told that you had to whisper because sound can travel real far in there. Eddie said it was the quietest I’ve ever been. I was worried if I talked too loud that I’d create a rock slide or I’d wake up the bats. Eddie decided to let out some gas throughout the entire cavern because the echo sounded funny. He thought it was hilarious. I was scared he was going to blow the place up. Either way, we both had a great time.

When we left the cavern we saw a gas station that had a bat symbol on it. Even though we had a 1/2 a tank, I had to fill up with bat gas. We paid $3.499 per gallon and got 12.097 gallons for $42.33.

We drove back down the mountain we were on and headed into El Paso, TX for dinner. I realized that I hate El Paso. Dinner was phenomenal but the drivers in the town were crazy. The speed limit was 75 around sharp turns and the city area was so busy. There were businesses on top of businesses which gave me anxiety. There was an entire empty desert and they decided to build everything in one large clump.

We passed the sign for Ciudad Juarez and realized we were like 10 mins away from Mexico. Then I got nervous we were going to accidentally cross over the border and I did not bring our passports. I have way too much anxiety and today it got the best of me.

After dinner we hightailed it out of Texas and drove up to Los Cruces, NM for the night. Tomorrow we’re visiting with some friends and family in different parts of New Mexico. We’re planning on sleeping in. I don’t know what time we’re sleeping in til since I’m still not too sure what time it is now!

A few notes- We had 2 bugs in the car but we managed to get them both back out. Eddie attempted to steal a cactus from the cavern but I wouldn’t let him. I made Eddie promise me that we will NEVER, EVER move to El Paso, Texas.

Goodnight everyone. It’s bedtime, right?


  1. I’m catching up on your adventures and so thankful you were out of El Paso when you were!

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