Day 12 – Paris Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, NV

After our tour, we drove over to Paris. I don’t know how each hotel/casino can be better than the last, but they have been. Paris was magnificent. I’ve never left the country other than to go to Canada, but I imagine that looked pretty close to real life Paris, minus the flashing slot machines!

We walked through the whole place and looked at every restaurant menu before settling on the Eiffel Tower Restaurant. The views were jaw dropping. We were sitting by the windows and had a beautiful view of the Bellagio fountains. As we were finishing dinner, the sun was setting and neon lights began to fill the sky.

After dinner we went checked out the Eiffel Tower Experience. Eddie and I had free tickets for it that we got (among many other goodies) when we went to the timeshare presentation.

There was no line to go up the elevator and to the top of the Eiffel Tower, and only about 10 people up at the top. It was dark out by this time and we had a stunning view of the nighttime Bellagio Fountain Show. The weather was gorgeous, only 94° with a slight breeze. I could have stayed up there all night but we were pretty tired after running around all day.

When we got back to the timeshare I was really looking forward to relaxing in the jacuzzi tub with a fizzy bath bomb. That turned into a complete disaster……

I brought a bunch of bath bombs with me in case we stayed anywhere that had a jacuzzi because it really helps my knees and hip to soak. One particular bath bomb that I decided to use tonight was one that someone gave me as a gift for Christmas. I’ll leave that person nameless. (It wasn’t Eddie) The bath bomb was apple cider scented, light silver/gray in color and it looked like a dinosaur hatching from an egg. It was pretty cool and I was looking forward to it.

I dragged the tv out into the middle of the room, turned off the lights and climbed into the jacuzzi to relax and catch up on some tv shows. I noticed that there was a faint ring forming around the tub. I knew it wasn’t me, I showered this morning! I tried rubbing it with my fingers and it began smudging all around the tub and on my fingers. I finally turned the lights on and found that the entire tub was black and so was I!

I was a little nervous and felt I needed to clean everything, including myself! My relaxing soak turned into a one hour deep scrub on the tub with a washcloth and a bar of hotel soap. It’s not like I had bleach handy in this room! After I felt somewhat satisfied with the tub, I hopped in the shower for another 40 minutes where I practically scrubbed my skin raw. I still feel kind of yucky, but I’m too tired to scrub anymore. I’ll revisit this situation in the morning.

The moral of the story is don’t use colored bath bombs. It has the same effect as eating the colored icing on grocery store cupcakes. If you absolutely must use a colored bath bomb, don’t do it when you’re on vacation and don’t have access to cleaning supplies. I know what you’re all thinking; only Annie….. 🤣🤣

Goodnight for now! 💤💤