Day 12 – ATM, Las Vegas, NV

This morning we drove to the Tropicana Hotel and Casino where we were picked up by a tour bus. We’re doing a reality tv tour. I thought this was the best tour to book as the tour company is called Annie Banannie Tours! Basically we’re being chauffeured around town in a mini coach bus with my name of it!

The first stop was to Acrylic Tank Manufacturing (ATM), where the show Tanked is filmed. We walked in the building and were greeted by The General!! We took pictures with him and got him to sign our ID badges.

We got to see all the parrots from the show and even caught a glimpse of Redneck as his was painting a custom insert. There were fish tanks everywhere and some pretty cool fish displayed.

I also took a pic of the ATM in ATM. I thought it was funny!

Next stop on the tour is Counts Customs.