Day 4 – Amarillo, TX

We FINALLY made it out of Oklahoma! That was torture! It didn’t help that it was 104° out so we couldn’t even roll down the windows to enjoy all the endless amounts of nothing.

Towards the end of Oklahoma, we stopped in a town called Clinton to get our passports stamped at a Route 66 museum. There’s about 4 or 5 Route 66 museums in every state. We are learning that they all basically have the same stuff.

Shortly after stopping at the museum, we arrived in Texas! We stopped at a rest stop that had breathtaking views and Texas shaped grills. Eddie was mesmerized with the never ending rows of wind turbines. There were so many! He later researched it to find out that Texas has the most wind turbines of any US state.

We drove by the leaning tower of Texas. It’s a water tower that was purchased to be used but upon inspection, was deemed inoperable. A man named Ralph Britten purchased it to use to market his family business. He intentionally set it in the ground crooked to draw attention. The business has long since closed, but the crooked water tower remains one of the most photographed landmarks on Route 66.

Before turning in for the night, we stopped by the Cadillac RV park to check out the cars and the 2nd amendment cowboy. It was cool to see at night while it was all lit up. Tomorrow will we check out the actual Cadillac ranch during the day.

Tomorrow, we will be straying off of our Route 66 path and heading down to Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. Following that, we plan to visit one of Eddie’s friends who lives in southern Arizona. We’ll pick up Route 66 in Arizona and New Mexico on our return trip home.

As far as gas goes: we filled up twice today. First at a QT in Tulsa at 14923 miles. We had about 1/8 of a tank. It’s was $2.559 per gallon and we put in 21.183 gallons for $54.21, making it the cheapest gas we’ve gotten so far! The second fill up was at a Chevron in Amarillo, TX. We had a little more than 1/8 of a tank and gas was $3.199. We put in 19.505 gallons for $62.40. So far, my car has been averaging 19.7 miles per gallon!!

A few additional notes- I have not seen or heard from the cricket I saw jump in the car last night. I saw 2 dead cows on the highway and I cried. I almost accidentally stepped on a bug in Texas that was the size of my fist. We finished our audio book, so tomorrow I might have to begin singing to Eddie in the car. We’ll see how far I make it 🤣😂

Hope everyone is enjoying their night! More tomorrow.